Bryson Leidich

Photography |Photoshop | Fine Art Printing

Screen Navigation

Moving through an image for retouching

A useful view option is one I prefer over the use of the Navigation Panel. Hold the H key down and mouse down on the image. A box appears showing you where you are in the image, just like the Navigator, but faster and easier to use. Move the box to select a different area and let go. The image moves to the selected area.

A navigation trick that is very useful for retouching are the keystrokes that move you through the image one panel at a time. The panels do not overlap. The Home key moves the image to the top left corner and the End key moves to the bottom right corner. To work the image must be larger than the screen, and is most effective at 100% for retouching.

Retouching is best done at 100% or greater, so this helps you manage the image so you don't miss anything. The Page Down and Page Up keys move the image one panel up or down. Adding the Ctrl/Cmd key modifies the Page Up and Down keys to move the image to the left and right. The Shift key moves the image in 10 pixel steps rather than a full panel, which is helpful when important details might show up at a panel border.

With these keystrokes you can move through an image one panel at a time to check for need retouching, especially useful for dust spotting in copy and restoration work or simply looking for distractions.

Navigation Keys

Home Top Left corner of the image
End Bottom right corner of the image
Page Up Image moves up one panel
Ctrl | Cmd Page Up Image moves to the right one panel
Page Down Image moves down one panel
ctrl | cmd Page Down Image moves to the left one panel
Shift Key Limits above controls to ten pixel
shift instead of full panel